The harvest moon of a few days ago was quite perfect; I did manage to view it at around 3 a.m. as it sailed like a grand glowing pearl against the luminous brocade of a mackerel sky. I did not have the presence of mind or patience to photograph it, although in the morning I did capture it, along with the near horizon and the industrious spider that has staked out some serious arachnid acreage on my balcony. That was one of the reasons I didn't gaze too long in the middle of the night. Where was this tenant? I'm not fond of spiders, but I am trying to tolerate the efforts of this guy as he maintains a square yard of web.
Depth of field is hard to control with a point-and-shoot
when you're trying to capture the moon while avoiding the spider in your face. |
He has been growing. I noticed him a couple of weeks ago, just a little speck, but over the course of half a moon, he has increased in size greatly. I'm not fond of spiders, but as Deng Ming-dao has pointed out, they are the perfect creatures of Tao.
Mind in the center
Radiates to eight legs,
Creating a
supreme web
A spider is a perfect creature of Tao. Its body is an elegant
expression of
its mind: It spins beautiful threads, and its legs are
exactly suited to
create and walk its web. From its center, a spider
radiates its world out
with a spare economy.
A spider's posture in regard to Tao is to set up a
pattern. Its
mind determines this pattern. It realizes the flow of Tao and
nothing to interfere with it. It simply creates its pattern and
for Tao to bring it sustenance. That which comes to it, it accepts.
which does not come to it is not its concern.
Once its web is
established, a spider does not think of expanding
unnaturally. It does not
make war upon its neighbors, it does not go for
adventures in other
countries, it does not try to fly to the moon, it
does not build factories,
it does not try to enslave others, it does not
try to be intellectual. It is
simply who it is and is content with that.
365 Tao: Daily Meditations
Deng Ming-Dao
So I'm trying to tolerate him (or her, who knows). The last time I actively tried to address my distaste for spiders, I wound up befriending a black widow. But at some point, I think it will be just too much. I am hoping a strong wind will carry him off to the trees or the noisy neighbor's lanai.
A lot of bloggers and FB friends have been posting pictures of spiders lately: tarantulas and dinner-plate sized tree-dwellers of Hong Kong. This is my contribution to the trend. Nothing special, but he is interesting to watch; not as sweet as the kolea, but nontheless, nature in action.
Eight-legged tight-rope stalker. |
On my morning coummute a couple weeks ago, when I still had a radio, I was attracted to the low hanging Chinese-style misty clouds on the mauka side of the freeway. I once had an idea that I might try painting traditional Chinese ink style of contemporary scenes. But you know, I don't think the cars and power poles add much to the scene.